Saturday, January 15, 2011


We hear many people say that they would love to garden if they only had the space. Space is relative and gardening in small spaces is easy and fun, here's some ideas.
Containers come in all sizes and shapes and can come from local stores or from items you have at home you can grow in.  A  trip to a local store can get you pots and other containers for gardening, but first lets look at what else you can use and what you can grow.  Don't throw out that milk containers, they make great containers to grow in. An old trash container cleaned up can be used to grow potatoes, yep potatoes in containers.
Their is the European favorite which is called "espalier " or wire growing. Growing fruits (tomatoes) is a popular wire plant, allows you to force tomatoes to grow up the wire using much less space.
Another very popular method is called square foot gardening and in a 4 foot by 4 foot space you can grow many vegetables in a small space. This method is also called raised bed gardening and you can buy prefab kits or build them yourself.
To grow vegetables you need 3 very important components. Six hours of sunlight daily, water and good soil drainage. Soil can be obtained at many locations and I would recommend an organic soil.
Size of containers is also important, small containers will grow, lettuce,spinach, green onions, radishes,etc.
For larger vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbage,cucumbers and squash use 10 gallon or better containers.
And don't forget herbs, they can be grown on your window sills.
Yes, you can grow great vegetables in small spaces, get busy and grow !

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