Sunday, January 23, 2011


What is a potatoe growing formula? Simply put, potatoes reproduce through the eyes on a potatoe. These eyes produce sprouts, plant the sprouts and grow potatoes.  Potatoes have no seeds , so potatoe eyes are the method of reproduction.
Please don't run to your favorite supermarket and buy potatoes to plant. Supermarket potatoes have chemicals added to them to stop sprouts from forming. You need to buy what is known as seed potatoes, potaotes grown especially for use in potatoe production. These can be found at garden centers, feed stores, farm stores and in online catalogs.
When you purchase seed potatoes, place in a sunny place, spray with water and in about 2 weeks or so you will have sprouts. Now is the time to plant.
Since this is about potatoes in containers , that is where we will go.
Your container should be 20/30 galon in size, for example a garbage can, storage boxes or large pots. First drill holes in bottom of containers for drainage. cut potatoes in 3/4 sections with eye section containing a sprout. fill container about 1/3 full of potting soil. Place sprouts 4to 5 inches from sides of container and 6 to 8 inches apart.Cover with about 2 inches of soil. When you plants reach 6 inches in height, add 3  more inches of soil, and then every time you get 6 inches of growth add 3 inches more of soil until you are 2 to 3 inches from the top of the container. Stop and mound around the stems. The potatoes are now growing and the top of plant is getting larger.
Water consistently for better potatoes, health and taste. Consistent watering is a key to your crop.
If your plant flowers you can begin to harvest, or in about 8 weeks from planting them. If you want to fertilize use a slow release such as Ozmocote
To harvest use you hands to move around in the soil to find you potatoes, feel the size you want and harvest away.  Each plant should produce 2 to 4 pounds of potatoes.
Two varieties that do well in containers are Yukon Gold and Sangre, although you can probably buy overr 250 kinds of seed potatoes.
In addition there are 3 basic groups of potatoes. These are the main crops,longest growth time, the earlies, 15/16 weeks to grow, 2nd earlies, 16/17 weeks.
A final reminder be diligent at watering your crop, and set containers on bricks for best drainage.
A final, final reminder, I love mashed potatoes!

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